Our colleagues left their home office behind to participate in this year’s Finanzsymposium.
The intensive 3 days included meeting up with old friends, meeting our customers and partners in person and building new connections.
It was a pleasure to welcome so many visitors to our booth and to answer all their questions regarding digital guarantees and Guarantee Vault.
Our “Partners day” was the perfect chance to learn more about the opportunities and benefits of Guarantee Vault in combination with our partners’ Nomentia, GTC and Trinity.
Our visitors enjoyed great conversations and casual exchanges in a pleasant atmosphere during “Alpenglühen” with Bavarian Tapas and beer at our DVS booth on the second evening of the event.
The joint workshop with ING was perceived very well.
Together with Sven Matzelsberger from Lindner and Marten Bleijenberg from ING, DVS explained the concept of digital guarantees and discussed how the different parties can benefit from Guarantee Vault.
It was absolutely a successful event.